Hey Lady, How Do I Get Those Arms?

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One of the things that is key for any business is ensuring that the owner and the key stakeholders take care of themselves as much as their business. If you’re not healthy, sleeping, and exercising it is going to catch up with you.  I’m not saying that everybody needs to go to the gym or run, you need to find your niche.

I get asked a lot about what I do for fitness (especially by women who want my arms  – haha).  One of the keys to my success has been having fitness be part of my lifestyle. Eating is never a diet, fitness is never temporary or for someone else; these have both been part of my lifestyle for many years. 

At an early age I was involved in recreation, as a child mom enrolled me in ballet, which I still think helps my posture, along with gymnastics. When I took things into my own hands, I had an amazing coach during my high school track and field years. Then I took my enjoyment of dance to the gridiron as a cheerleader for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Including weights in my repertoire for 4 years I competed in individual and couples as a clean bodybuilder. Adding tennis, boxing, spin, workouts and yoga classes to the mix in the last 20 years helped me have a well-rounded fitness regime.  I have even been known to golf now and then. These are all things that gave me various ways to stay fit, while enjoying myself.

When I get asked about how I keep my arms and overall health it’s not based on one thing.  It has been years of being diligent with my workouts, maintaining my fitness (and my arms). I still have to put in the work.

The key is finding something to do regularly where you continue to see benefits. Especially as we get older. (My mom didn’t start going to the gym till she was 63 years old.) It was easy when we were in our twenties or thirties, but once you get into your 40s and 50s the results are different. 

Physical fitness is also about changing it up.  You can’t keep doing the same workout for years expecting to get results. My rule of thumb is changing things up on an ongoing basis, so I am not plateauing. From the order I do exercises or workout, to increasing weight or frequency based on how I feel, I evaluate consistently. Since my bodybuilding days my gym workout sequence has followed the “Body for Life” Bill Phillips strategy, it works for me (12/10/8/6/12 reps) Through various surgical procedures and rehab, I’ve always gone back to it.

I have done a mix of splitting up body parts on different days or doing a full body workout with less frequency. Find something that works for you and stick with it,  adjusting as needed, to get the results you’re looking for. I love being able to do different sports to keep me interested. Today my workouts are more for maintenance and good health than they are for gains, I still make sure I enjoy it. 

Like building a business, the right fitness program is starting with a strong foundation. Working with the right tools and equipment makes all the difference.  There are lots of options today for footwear, and gear.  From cycling to running, walking, golf or tennis, you have options for all.

Similar to a business balance sheet you also have to have nutrition with fitness. Eating it’s not about starving yourself, or denying foods you love. My sweet tooth sometimes gets the better of me (we only live once!). Anything in moderation works. To help my maintenance I do intermittent fasting, which has varied over the years. Today I take advantage of 20/4 during the week, and 16/8 on the weekend. For those not familiar with fasting there is a fasting and eating window. One of the key components is to ensure that you have fluids during this time.  Water is the best solution for results. I add lemon to keep it appealing. I also use a straw which helps me keep consistency, I’ve never been good at drinking water outside sports activity.

Combine a nutritious food and fitness balance with good business health to have a business that operates independent of you, so you can make more money, enjoy your achievements and have time for what excites you! Remember, business and personal health go hand-in-hand

I’m not a nutritionist, dietitian, personal trainer, or authority in these areas.  I share my experiences as information. I hope it provides some value.  Personal wellness is key to business success, to ensure you continue moving forward. 

Discover these business tools to benefit you on your journey. 

Michelle Ricketts

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