Workouts Benefits Your Body and Your Business Strength

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Very few would argue the fact that to be successful with health and fitness you have to find which workout is best for you, the gym, running, spin class, boxing, or Crossfit etc.

Combine exercise with healthy eating of nutritious foods with getting enough sleep, drinking water,  watching your caloric intake and your Body Mass Index (BMI) and arguably you have a recipe for success most would agree with.

A great thing for business owners to consider is how taking care of your body directly impacts your business. I’ve been very fortunate throughout my career to be healthy and rarely catch a cold or flu. That’s not to say that I haven’t had challenges, they are part of life. I’ve been successful through several surgical procedures including; double foot reconstruction, Ventricular Tachycardia (VT), and Atrial Flutter (AF).  Having my heart rate go up to 280 BPM was both scary and telling.  It confirmed my heart, although a little confused, was strong and reconfirmed my ability to recover quickly after various procedures. I tell you this to share the fact that the work I put in over years was worth it.

I’ve worked hard to take care of my fitness and nutrition for many years.  Some might say my procedure challenges should not have happened if all that fitness stuff works.  However, the key is that during these and other challenges in my life I have missed little to no work and recovered in record time, as a result of investment in my fitness.  Angela Dimos, Strength Training and Weight Loss Coach says exercise and healthy eating are more important than ever.

I have seen evidence of what Angela says in my life and  with others.  When you invest in self-care now and in the future, even if you haven’t done so before, it will keep you on the path to success.  Taking care of yourself today will allow you to continue working on your business moving forward.  Caring for your own health and fitness will allow you the opportunity to strengthen your business as well.

Some business owners are reluctant to do the work necessary to get their business in shape. They continue to press forward, hoping to get different results, without changing anything.  It is no dissimilar to working out yourself, becoming fit enough to rise to the challenges life throws at you. Your business workout should include; strengthening, development, endurance testing, and training.

An Olympic athlete would never think of starting their journey without engaging in the proper training and coaching, neither should you.  Business requires the same commitment, doing “business push-ups”, working hard on your business structure, and processes for your ongoing success. 

Michelle Ricketts

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